Frequently Asked Questions
Adding New Product Item Master
Click here to directly goto "Item Master" or
Log into Invoay Backoffice>>Masters>>Item Master
Creating a new "Product Item" is a 2 way process
Step-1: Adding basic level information
Click on "New Item"
A new line gets added (Note: The top line is the filter)
Take the cursor to the new line created
The following fields need to be filled with the values:
Mandatory Field: Must enter the value
Optional Filed: For additional information
Mandatory Field
Add name of Product to be created
Example. ABC1
"Item Type"
Mandatory Field
Double tap the column - Select from dropdown "Item Type" as "Product"
"HSN/SAC Code"
Optional Field
Mention the HSN Code if you wish to get this mentioned or printed on the customer Invoice
Additional filters available in the HSN based Product Report
Select Category from the drop down
"Sub Category"
Select Sub Category from the drop down
"Maximum Retail Price (MRP)"
Enter the MRP or the Price printed on the product. In case its loose product then mention the MRP or respective unit like kilogram price or if it is a self pack product then mention the MRP that you wish to keep
"Barcode/Item Code "
Though it's optionally filed.
Mention the barcode number as available or printed on the product.
Usually required in case of apparel or footwear retail. Maintain a unique SKU. This value could be alpha numeric
"Purchase Price"
If the purchase price needs to be maintained at the master level. Mention the value over here. The values mentioned over here are usually calculated in various reports.
Double tap and select from the available options
"Is Active"
Check Box should be Tick
Scroll down to the end page
Click on Save Changes
A new Product has been created for the details entered above.
Step-2: Add "Store Details" level information
First, search for the "Product" recently added by its Name or Filter the Category
Click on "Store Details"
A pop-up window will appear
The following fields need to be filled with the values:
Mandatory Field: Must enter the value
Optional Filed: For additional information
Pre-set Field: Not Editable
"Item Name"
This is Pre-set Field and no Editing is allowed here
"Store Name"
This is a Pre-set Field and no Editing is allowed here
Store Name: Is the ShortName of Store
"Sales Cost"
Mandatory Field
Enter the Sales Cost
This is the cost or value of Actual Sales and will be available at the Point of Sales
Note: If the MRP and Sales Value are mentioned then the "Save Amount" (Difference of MRP and Sales Value) gets printed on the customer bill. Contact Invoay Helpdesk to learn more
"Is Tax Included"
Mandatory Field
Check Box Tick in case the tax amount needs to be calculated as Inclusive of the Sales Value
Example: Rs 250 Sales Value will be inclusive of GST. Final value calculated Rs 250
Usually in retail the item sales value is kept inclusive of taxes
Uncheck Box Tick (Remove) in case the tax amount needs to be calculated as Exclusive or on top of the Sales Value
Example: Rs 250 Sales value will be Exclusive of GST. Rs 250 + GST. If GST is 18% then Final value calculated Rs 295
Note: If there isn't any GST need to be calculated then keep Checkbox Tick and the value should be 0
Mandatory Field
In case of GST needs to be calculated or mentioned while billing
Mention the value of CGST, SGST
Example: If the GST is 6% then usually each CGST and SGST value should be 3
In case of GST need not be calculated or mentioned while billing
Enter 0 values in each CGST and SGST
In case of IGST value applies to the product, please connect with Invoay Helpdesk team for assistance.
"Is Available"
Mandatory Field
Check Box Tick in case this product item should be available for sale in Invoay POS
Uncheck Box Tick in case this service is temporarily not available.
Check the Box again when it should be available for sales
Optional Field
Enter the value of incentive that will be calculated as a percentage of the sales value.
In retail, this field is usually required where the Employee Sales Incentive needs to be calculated.
Example: If you wish to calculate the incentive percentage as 5% on every service entered on staff name. Then mention the value as 5
This value can be updated later or edited. Leave 0 value if not sure of incentive percentage
"Service Time in Minutes"
Optional Field
This field is not required in case of product. Leave 0 value.
"Minimum Quantity"
Optional Field
This field is usually required to keep the minimum stock. The value mentioned here will auto calculate the minimum stock. When the item stock goes down the minimum stock, it can be tracked in the Minimum Quantity Report
Leave 0 if not required to track the minimum quantity or in case of unique items.
"Reminder in Days"
Optional Field
Though this is an optional field, in the case of recurring purchased products this is important.
If the value is mentioned for Reminder in Days, this will automatically send a Reminder SMS Notification to the customer on their mobile number on the day of their next due product purchase due as calculated on the basis of this value
Item Due Report can also be accessed to keep track of customers whose product purchases are due in the coming days
Example: If the ABC product reminder in days is 25 days then mention 25
This value can be updated later or edited. Leave 0 value if not sure of reminder in days
Click on Save Changes
Product has finally been added to your product tab and dropdown in Invoay POS
In case of multiple locations. Values can be individually entered based upon corporate controls.
Get in touch with our Support Team to add your additional locations
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Last Updated 4 years ago
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